Friday, January 28, 2011

Brilliant Article

Hi Everyone,  I just wanted to take a moment to share a fantastic article (albeit written by my husband) on our 'brother' blog, Gentastic.

10 Things I Have Learnt About Parenting that the ‘Experts’ Failed to Mention

Please take a moment to check it out.  I was very much amused.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Next "Best Thing"?

Well, I'm not counting chickens or anything, but my last period started on Christmas Eve 2010.  28 days later is January 21st.  Today is January 23rd.  So, I'm still within my possible cycle.  This could be nothing... but I'm starting to get hungrier at night, I'm having little (minuscule really) moments of nausea, and yesterday when I stood up after going to the cinema, a little acid reflux went up my esophageous.  Oh, and I've been hornier (which could be a sign I'll be getting my period too).  So I've got some clues, but I'll wait another week before being certain.

There's no point in me taking a pregnancy test.  I don't know if any other very large women have the same issue, but I took a pregnancy test when I was pregnant with Jacob the day my period was due and it was negative.  The next week it was still negative.  Doctor's urine sample was negative too.  It wasn't until a further week that it came up positive.  So maybe my hormone levels need to be much higher as I'm that much bigger a woman?  Then I have a friend on her 3rd baby who's test came back positive DAYS after conceiving.  And she wouldn't be a stick figure, she's a healthy size 12-ish.  I WANT to take a test but I don't want to waste the money, you know?  Especially since my husband is now without a job, I'd rather save my money for when I've got a chance of having the most accurate result.  My GP just has me pee on a stick too, no blood tests for her, so there's no point in dropping €70 for what I can buy at a shop for a tenner.

So I suppose for now, I'll start my precautions-  no alcohol, less caffeine, multivitamins with folic acid (good idea anyways as I'd LIKE to have another baby in the near future) and continued focus on healthy eating.

My husband and I both agree that Jacob was the best thing that happened to us.  So now, I just wonder if we are awaiting our next best thing?