Saturday, February 5, 2011

Not the Next Best Thing

Well, after 15 days of waiting, wondering and peeing on sticks, we finally have an answer.  I am NOT pregnant.  I FINALLY got my period yesterday morning.  Why it took 15 days to arrive when it's usually pretty consistent, who's to say?  But at least now I know.... and now I can take proper drugs for my sickness, which came on Wednesday afternoon.  I went home early and just went to bed, pretty much for 2 1/2 days.  But Thursday night, Friday morning I was having lower back pains/belly cramps and wondered if it was finally coming...and it did. 
So no little baby for Jacob.... yet.  But at least I've started on my pregnancy vitamins, which I'll continue, and this'll give me a chance to actually go and get the rubella vaccination, which my blood results have been saying I need.  So I suppose this was a little wake up call for mama Jen to get her butt in gear so Grundie baba2 can finally come into the world. 
I'm finally rounding the bend and my fever is almost gone. I think we'll take Jake to Spraoi where he can run around and play and frolick while I drink a cup of tea.... with caffine.  :) 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

HCG and Fat Pregnancy

So the question arises to me, does it take more HCG (the pregnancy hormone) coursing through a fat person's body to trigger a positive pregnancy result on a home test?  When I was pregnant with Jacob, it took 11 days after my missed period to get that freakin' plus sign.  And now I'm at 12 days and counting and still no plus sign.  It's pretty frustrating, especially since your skinny (who thinks she's fat but is NOWHERE near fat) friend finds out DAYS before missing her period that she's up the duff.  I did a search online but noone seems to have an answer.  The only thing I could find was people asking the same question, and a few people saying, 'no, it shouldn't make a difference.'  But I think it does.  And I'm curious who I could ask to find out.  Because if the answer REALLY is no, then what's wrong with ME?  So at the moment, for those of you out there crossing your fingers for me, it's a big "I dunno."  I won't say I'm not until I've started bleeding (crass, I know, but that's just me) and I won't say I am until I get a positive pee stick.  Do the limbo!!