Monday, October 12, 2009


I think I freaked a lot of people out (well, 2 or 3), when I said my bra was discontinued. I didn't mean the whole line was gone, just the one that I love. My favorite bra looked like the one from the link below but without the wire.

Unfortunately, Lane Bryant's website isn't selling my favorite bra. It's well and truly gone. Boo.


  1. It's still freaking me out. That's a major drag. I myself have cried and wandered around stores like a zombie and then had to go home and drink a lot when such things have happened to me. And then it takes me at least three weeks to adjust to the silhouette of a new bra.

  2. Um, yeah ya did, because without Cacique all of my bras would be oversized flesh-toned mostrosities that caused torpedo-tit!
