Thursday, January 14, 2010

Back in the Dub

Well, Jacob and I successfully made it back to Dublin all by ourselves. Well, that's not quite true. While this WAS my first trip with Jake without daddy or a friend by our sides, I can't say I was totally by myself. There was the law student from Columbia University who helped me get Jake and our luggage on and off the Syracuse to La Guardia flight. Then the Hasidic Jewish family that were God-sends from La Guardia to Philadelphia. This was followed by Mikey and her husband who helped me on the plane to Dublin, Kimmy who helped me off, the Boston student coming to learn in Dublin for a semester who helped me get in and out of my seat to use the loo, and Nils (my friend Joy's husband and father to Jake's first girlfriend Zelia) who picked us up and got us up to the apartment! So no, I was never by myself.

I was really impressed by how people from all walks of life chose to lend a hand to help out a mom travelling with her son alone. It's a testimony to the human spirit that we aren't all THAT bad. In fact, we all have some redeeming qualities and I am so extremely grateful for everyone's help.

On a totally fat person note... the US Air seats on the flight from Philly to Dublin were pretty good. The armrests all went up, including the one on the aisle! Sweet.

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