Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Ok, so I've been crap lately at keeping updates! This past month has been hectic and life is finally (temporarily, I suppose) settling down. Rob and I moved into our new PHAT apartment, overlooking the mountains as well as Dublin City Centre. It's pretty amazing. Rob's birthday was last weekend as well, and we had a birthday party/ housewarming in our new flat. I'm hoping the weather warms up soon so we can begin enjoying our balcony.

Though we're moved in, we're still not unpacked, and now that I'm 7 months out, I'm tired a lot of the time, especially when I come home from work. I'm blessed to have such a wonderful husband who is doing the majority of the unpacking. I really need to start helping out more. Where is this whole "nesting" thing? Shouldn't I have it by now?? Sure, I have a desire for things to get done, but not the energy to do them myself! Not good, I know.

So yesterday I had a glucose tolerance test...the 3 hour one. I assumed I'd have one at 28 weeks, which is standard, but that never happened. My doctor decided to err on the side of caution and order one. My blood pressure had been fine, which is great, but I he wanted to make sure the whole sugar thing was alright as well.

Well...I failed the test. I like to think that maybe I was just eating too many white carbs and had too much sugar the past week. But for now, I'm on a no sugar added diet. Luckily, the endocrinologist feels that the levels of sugar in my blood were only slightly elevated, so I don't have to go on insulin...Thank God! Of course, this might change come Tuesday as they are going to retest me. So, hopefully this week of eating properly and cutting out sugar as much as possible will show that keeping this up will be all I need to do to curb my blood sugar level.

This does mean, though, that I will more than likely be induced prior to my due date. I've got just under 8 weeks to go (eek!), and often, those of us in this situation will deliver between 38-39 weeks. Which means my parents will be here for a full 2 weeks with the baby! Yippie! Always looking at the bright side, eh?

So I had a conversation with the dietician this morning and am pretty on ball with everything. I have to eat similarly to Weight Watchers, which is fairly easy for me, I just have to look out for hidden sugars. She told me that sugar substitutes are fine, but I'm not too sure about that. I'll try to limit that to Splenda and sucralose as the other fake sugars scare me, especially in regards to baby. Luckily, corn tortillas are OK! Hurray for crunchy tacos!! I do have to limit my milk intake, as the lactose isn't great. That stinks as my main craving is milk, but well, you do what you have to do. Baby needs me to get back on the ball and stay healthy, so that's what I'm going to do.


  1. I know the whole altering your diet think first hand...now that I am dealing with heart failure I have had to cut salt almost completely out of my diet....NOT FUN! Hang in there, and try ad be creative with what you eat....you will impress yourself with the options you come up with!

  2. Too bad for the GD thing but at least it seems minor. I have my 2nd test next week. They tested me late in my 1st trimester due to being overweight and therefore higher risk. That one I passed with flying colors. Crossing my fingers for this one too. Mainly because I hate the drink thing. Makes me wanna hurl. I have actually had difficulties keeping weight on this pregnancy. Actually I always lose weight the first 5 months or so and then gain toward the end but this time I only lost 5 lbs (as opposed to 20) and then put on 12 but this week lost about 4. Baby has moved up and is squishing my stomach so I just am not as hungry and cannot eat very much or it come back to haunt me, thanks to a hiatal hernia. When is your actual due date? Decide on any names yet? Our young man will be Garrett Hans Isaac Richards. If you wanna catch up on my blog, it is at: www.xanga.com/just4bees

  3. Just FYI I drank Crystal Light the whole time with Wyatt and had GD, and everything was fine. Don't forget to treat yourself every once in a while!!! I had it with him and have it again, and it really is not that bad, as long as you follow the diet, walk a lot, and relax!

    I am still trying to figure out why you had to be in the hospital?

  4. As I have no experience with birthing babies in the states, I only know how it's done here. After I failed the second GD test, where they take my blood, make me eat some toast, and then take my blood again, they decided they needed to do a blood sugar series. The BSS requires me to have a vial of blood taken before each meal and then an hour after each meal, as well as a vial at 10pm. So that's 7 vials of blood. I guess they figure it's better to have you in the hospital to make sure you get them done at the right time. After they take all the bloods, you have to wait for the endocrinologist to view the results and determine if you need insulin. If it's a YES to insulin, then they teach you how to do it and keep you in overnight to make sure you don't react poor to the insulin.

    Your GD must not have required insulin, but they've decided to have me on it. Only twice a day, which is nice so I don't have to bring it all to work with me, which would be a pain. But at least there's only 6 weeks to go!!! So my guess is baby will be born somewhere between 4-6 weeks from now. EEK!!!
