Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Oh yes!

I forgot to mention! Now that I'm home in the states for the week, my father is going to take me back to Babies R Us to get another belly wedge pillow! Happy days for MEEEE! I'm also going to seriously consider the body pillow that you can cuddle that also is long enough and curves so you can stuff it between your knees. Luckily, I didn't pack much so I have room in my suitcase. :)


  1. I highly recommend the Boppy Body Pillow. I hardly slept for almost 2 weeks, fighting with 4-5 pillows and my blankie trying to get comfy. I got the Boppy body pillow, 9 days now, marvelous nightly sleep. Poor hubby, he gets to cuddle my pillow if he wants me too.

  2. I have to say, sleeping on my side is sucking for me! I'm considering a body pillow, but I'm afraid that won't keep my arm from falling asleep.
