Sunday, May 10, 2009

Survival of the Un-Fittest

Oh dear, today is going to tax me something terrible. I mean, I'm EXCITED about today, but I'm also dreading it. My gospel choir is performing tonight, and as I'm the director, I have a LOT to do today. Rob and I will be leaving the apartment about 10am today to get to church, and there's a communion today. After mass, around 12:30-ish, my gospel choir is going to sing outside the church to advertise the concert. I then have time to EAT and relax before we have to set up the sound system at 3. 4pm is our sound check/dress rehearsal, and 5:15 the other groups come for their sound checks. 6:30 doors open and 7pm is go time. I think the SMARTEST thing I did for today was ask multiple performers to sing with us. That means, instead of me having to stand in front of the choir for 2 hours, I only have to do it for about 45 minutes. That being said, though, we've been performing around a bit lately, doing 4 songs here, 4 songs there... and I am WRECKED after 4 songs. Today's about 10+ songs!!! So, anyone out there who has pity on a SERIOUSLY huge pregnant woman, please send me on your energy and unswollen ankle vibes today. I'm going to need it!!!!


  1. Well done you! You are amazing to be doing all your doing with only a few weeks to go.

    When I was pregnant I couldn't do anything...even walking wrecked me!! And I love dancing and choreography!! So, I really think you're great.

    Hope tonight went to hear all about it!

  2. Thanks so much! The concert was a HUGE success and I'm now WRECKED! I'm still waiting on the total amount raised for Outreach Moldova, but I think we pulled in quite a bit for them.

    We could definitely use some more choreography work if you ever have a "spare" Sunday! :)
