Saturday, January 10, 2009

Did You Know?

According to a British obstetrician I saw on TV the other night, that occasionally, a woman will be too large for just one birthing table, and they'll have to put two together. I think that might just be my newest nightmare. I can't remember the name of the doctor, or the news program for that matter, but at least I can blame it on what I call Baby Brain! It is amazing how stupid this kid is making me. I've always had a bit of a problem with remembering words, but now, I'm forgetting words, events, people ALL the time! When I have one of these 'pregnancy moments' I find myself telling people, 'sorry, baby's eating my brains.'

Oh yes, and FYI, it is perfectly acceptable to ask the person taking your blood pressure for the large pressure cuff. They DO exsist and they are MUCH more comfortable...well, I suppose as comfortable as getting your blood pressure taken can be...


  1. The large cuffs are also more accurate. While living in Dublin, one of the doctors kept telling me that my blood pressure was high. I've NEVER had high blood pressure. He used a smaller cuff than at home and now that I'm home, my blood pressure is "miraculously" back to being low...

  2. I know what you mean. I have to watch out for my blood pressure, but when using the smaller cuffs, it's consistently too high.
