Sunday, January 11, 2009

Milk and Muffins

So far, I really haven't had a huge cravings hit. Either that, or I'm not sure what to expect. I kind of figured I'd suddenly have an urge to consume a certain type of food that I must have NOW or be miserable forever without. But maybe I should expect a more subtle craving? For example, the other night at our BookCrossing Ireland meetup, someone mentioned muffins, and I thought to myself (kinda like Monica when she was in the bubble bath with Chandler), 'muffins? I could go for muffins.' Rob and I then headed out to a corner shop after the meetup to consume muffins. Yum! Since then, I smell baked goods everywhere.

My other craving at the moment has to be milk, or really dairy products in general, but mainly milk. And not skim milk, which I usually drink. For some reason, skim milk has become not enough for me, so I've gone up to 'low fat' milk, which seems to do the trick at the moment. I'm assuming Baby is telling me I need calcium, or such.

I have to say, though, I mostly concerned about eating too much of the wrong thing to encourage a trigger in gestational diabetes. I know that it is much more likely that I will get gestational diabetes as a large pregnant woman, and I would like to do what I can to avoid it. Unfortunately, the books pretty much say to get rid of sugar. Eating sugar can increase the size of your baby and trigger gestational diabetes. So, unfortunately, I cannot follow in the footsteps of my mother here and gorge on Reese's Peanut Butter Cups like I'd LOVE to. I do have a very serious sweet tooth (which is probably a strong reason for why I'm obese in the first place) and would love nothing more than to sit down with a tin of Cadbury's Roses (if you've never had them, you MUST!!!), but I'm doing my best to think of the baby.

At the moment, I haven't been able to give up on sweets altogether, but am trying to only have them in significant moderation and only when I've already eaten something. Eating sugar on an empty stomach only makes your blood sugar spike which can't be good for baby. I wish I read that earlier in my pregnancy, but well, I can't worry about that now. I just need to focus on the weeks ahead.

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