Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Have You Done With My Energy!?

I remember reading all the books I bought upon finding out that I was pregnant, that the first three months are a very tired 3 months. Your body is starting to create a placenta which takes a lot of energy and makes every pregnant woman very tired. Yup. I definitely had that. But when does it go away? I though my energy was getting better but these past few weeks I've been wrecked. I'm assuming Baby is just having a growth spurt or something, but when does it end!? I get home from work, and if I sit's all over. Yesterday I fell asleep around 6pm and woke up to eat some dinner and watch TV a bit.

I know i need to just force myself to get out and walk around a bit...or join the community rec centre down the road for their Wednesday aqua aerobics. Now that I've thought it, I suppose the next step is to actually DO it.

I want my energy back.

1 comment:

  1. My energy improved after the first trimester, but I felt kind of draggy throughout the whole pregnany. It turned out later on that I had a little iron deficiency and had to go on Hemocyte. That helped, but I still didn't feel too peppy. The good news is that when your baby is a few months old and sleeping in larger chunks, you feel so good and energetic, and you really appreciate it. Our tiny one is two months old now, and I'm feeling SO much better!
