Sunday, January 11, 2009

Missing Out

Thursday night, my company hosted an informal information meeting for parents of the students who come to our classes. One of the mom's who came as been with us for just about a year now and I'm very fond of her family. I haven't seen this mom since July, when I headed home for my wedding, so we had a nice chat and I told her I was 20 weeks pregnant. She opens up her jacket and states 'I'm 25 weeks!' and there before me is the PERFECT baby bump! Now, this mom is little to begin with, but this bump is round and just lovely.

It is normal to be envious of a woman's baby bump? I do admit it is one thing that I feel I'm missing out on. Being that I already had a sizable bump prior to becoming pregnant, I don't feel I look as pregnant as other women. Or at least, people will most likely attribute my growing bump as a 'fat bump' and not a 'pregnant bump.' I do wish for that perfect bump, one that people will see which instantly shouts PREGNANT to those around. Instead, I've got the bump that people won't come up to with a huge 'congratulations' for a fear of hurting my feelings. I have to wait for that congrats until after I state 'I'm pregnant.' THEN do I get the laud, but only then.

So now I find myself starting jealously at the woman at the doctors with their bumps out to high heaven and their skinny rest-of-self. What would I give for someone I don't know to automatically just know that I'm pregnant. I keep on hoping that as the pregnancy progresses, that my baby belly will become more obvious and that at least one or two people will assume I'm pregnant without worrying they're wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I had a very hard time with this during my first pregnancy, and until about two weeks ago with this one, everyone in my office kept saying "You don't even look pregnant!" which, when you are, really isn't any kind of a compliment. So I just mumble a 'thank you' and move on.

    Last pregnancy, I got a lot of "you carry it so well" especially from older women who were of the ilk that you don't reveal the preggo factor. Today isn't much better- the uber-tight trendy clothes (leggings?!?!) that are supposed to extend over our big bellies don't do a full figured gal a lot of justice. I'm convinced I could make a fortune if I ever ventured to go down that entrepreneurial road.
