Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Love Me, Love My Pillows

When I went home for Christmas, my mother took me to Babie's R Us to have me pick out a diaper bag as a baby gift. While there, we came across the Boppy Pregnancy Wedge Pillow that is meant to support your belly while you are sleeping on your side. I had read that a woman's best friends are her pillows while she is pregnant, so I thought this might be a good thing to have for my belly as it gets bigger.

I couldn't have been more right. This thing has made my sleeping life so much more pleasant. I can wedge it right under my belly, which really has been keeping my hip from hurting! The problem is, I really want another one for my other side. I'm a sleep on my back kinda girl, so i tend to toss and turn now that I have to sleep on my side. So I go back and forth between my left and right sides all night long. What that means is I have to bring the Boppy with me every time I turn...which as you can imagine is a big pain. So now I want another one that I can just wedge in to my other side so it'll be there, waiting for me as I flip over, as welcoming as an old friend.

I really have been amazed at how much I love pillows right now. I sleep with two under my head, one between my knees (ladies who don't do this, DO IT!!!), the Boppy on one side, and then one to hug which makes me happy. Last night, I added another pillow to the alternative side of the Boppy to support me if I want to lean back on it to "pretend" I'm sleeping on my back, and for the most part (barring the time I woke up nauseous, long story), I slept like...well, a baby.


  1. This is exactly what I need right now! How much was it?

  2. Boppy Pillows are the best! I was having a really hard time learning to breastfeed for the first time at the hospital until I had my family buy and bring me a nursing Boppy pillow there.

  3. I think it was about $16 at Babies R Us. It's on their website as a Boppy Wedge Cushion. :)

  4. I have that pillow! It was wonderful when I was pregnant!
